Are you annoyed?


Step 1: Go out from the university.
Step 2: Wait.
Step 3: Start going in the direction of the metro, to catch a cab.
Step 4: Being forced by ALL others to walk in the opposite direction - "we can take a cab from there".
Step 5: Walking...
Step 6: Arriving - No cabs!
Step 7: Wanting to go looking for a cab or whatever.
Step 8: Nobody knows if they're gonna stay or not.
Step 9: Waiting...
Step 10: Walking, looking at a map and get into a cab.

Klockan är nu 05:00. Jag kunde ha tagit sista metron hem. Jag som nästan övervägde att skita i slutfesten!
Ingen aning om hur många gånger jag sagt 'stupid' ikväll. Har verkligen varit riktigt jävla gnällig.

On top of all: jag har skoskav!


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